Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sicky Sicky

It's been a rough couple of days for us here.  Turns out, we did come down with something awful.  Doctor says it may be strep throat, we are waiting for the test results to come back.  I was nervous about the antibiotics she gave me to take, but all my doctors say it's fine.  Today, I'm finally feeling well enough to get out of bed for the first time in a few days.
Good thing, since I had an appointment at the baby doctor today.  All is well with baby Riess.  She's about 3 pounds now - right on track.  I, on the other hand, have already gained 25!  I got to hear her healthy heartbeat again.  The doctor reiterated that the antibiotics are fine for me to take.  She's still kicking a chorus line.
I'm still pretty tired and the throat is still very sore.  Definitely starting to get better now.
We had to skip our birthing class last night (Chris was SO disappointed, as you can imagine.... *wink, wink*).  I didn't feel well enough to go and I didn't want to pass this along to any of the other pregnant ladies there.
So, I'm starting to feel better -- I just hope I'm all better in time for the UK-UofL game this weekend!  Lacey and Kristi are both visiting for the weekend.  Lacey and Greg are staying with us for a fun weekend!  My throat better be 100% by Sunday...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Summer Daze

A rough night for Riess and me last night... we got a little sicky, but I think it was something bad I ate. I'm feeling better today, but still suffering from a bad headache. I'm working nights this week so I got to sleep in today (and work until midnight instead).
Today Chris and I went to the pool with Chris and Jennifer Mayer. I love the pool, but Chris LOVES the pool. He is a 10-year-old boy when he's there. He's doing flips off the diving boards and exchanging tips with all the kids in line about the best dives. It's truly hilarious. Jennifer and I are just glad the boys have each other to jump off the boards, conduct sprint races and underwater hold-your-breath contests. It means Jennifer and I can chat and read our magazines like normal adults. Chris, nearing his 30th birthday mind you, will definitely be sore tomorrow.
We also ran into a friend of a friend who had a little girl last November, so we got a little sneak peak at what our baby Riess will be like this time NEXT summer! Can't wait to take HER to the pool. Now THAT will be fun for both of us. I can play in the pool with that little one!
On another note, my mom's little one, Rizzo, is back at home and doing much better now. The doctors think a new heart medication she was on was causing her sickness. Now she's off that medicine and apparently feeling much better. Aunt Rizzo just must make it long enough to meet baby Riess. I'm sure she will. For those of you who know Rizzo, she's a fighter! For my mom's sake, let's hope she's around a long long time...
No new pics this time -sorry! I'll take some this weekend as the belly is progressing (whoa)... and the nursery is actually getting underway.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Jamie Wellman came to Louisville and brought Riess a sweet gift!  She will have the cutest little tootsies in town with these precious socks/shoes.  Incase you can't see them well, they are baby socks that look like little Mary Janes.  They have pink beads and bows on the back.  What else for my little twinkle toes?

Later that week (and forgive me, I'm far behind on blogging...), I went back to Owensboro to visit the fam.  Mom took new pics of me with the ever-growing belly.  This was me at six months:

And Mom and I couldn't leave out our OTHER babies when we were going on and on about Baby Riess...
Unfortunately, Rizzo is in the hospital this week.  She's not doing too well.  She is 13 years old, believe it or not!  She's still fairly frisky for a woman of her age.  She's getting some fluids in the animal hospital this week and mom hopes she will be back at home by Friday.  We'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Birthing Class

Last night, Chris and I attended our first "birthing class".  It's a series of four classes over four weeks.  Chris has arranged his schedule to be home on Mondays to attend.
Our first class was more of a classroom setting... where we learned all about the anatomy of birth, terms, etc.  
And YES, we did watch a very graphic birthing video.  I teared up.  Chris said he stared at the woman's head in front of him the entire time so he didn't have to watch.  Hmmmm... signs of what's to come?
Of course, after class he said, "Man, I could've taught that class!  I already knew everything they said..."
I guess he forgot about the part where he leaned over to me to ask, "What does breech mean?"
Anyway, it was a learning experience.  I'm sure our next three classes will be even more informative.  
I know we have plenty to learn!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Another Doctor's Visit

Today I (we) made another trip to the doctor's office.  Baby Riess is doing just GREAT.  Her heartbeat is strong and loud.  I had to take a test at this appointment for gestational diabetes.  I find out in three weeks how that pans out.  I'm sure it's fine, since I feel great!

He also said that I've gained 19 pounds so far... and I am a little behind in the weight gain aspect.  He says you should gain about a pound for every week you're pregnant.  I'm now 27 weeks pregnant.  But when he said I could "stand to gain a little weight"... I thought, ARE YOU KIDDING?!  I feel like I'm a whale already!  

Chris is right on track with his "baby weight" gain.  It might have something to do with the fact that you can find both of us at Graeter's Ice Cream nearly every weekend evening.

We both have our "baby bellies..."  But I think I'm quickly surpassing him:


I had this Sunday off and I went home to spend some R&R time at my mom's house at the pool.  I had a great time with all my girlfriends... we hung out by the pool and had a lot of baby talk!  I can't believe that this time next year, we'll have THREE baby girls playing in the pool together.  Hard to believe.  

Our time between doctor's appointments is just three weeks now.  I go back August 26th for my next check-up.  

We also begin our prenatal classes next week -- that should be interesting!  I know Chris and I have a lot to learn before baby arrives!  

More pictures of my visit home soon...