I struggled a lot with whether or not to make the trip back to Owensboro for Courtney's baby shower this Sunday. I am officially "full term" now, so I'm not sure I should be driving alone in a car for two hours at this point or not.
But, I decided to do it and I'm glad I did. Yes, I'm already back in Louisville safe and sound with no signs of labor, so don't worry.
My mom said if anything happens, "I can get you back to Louisville in two hours... no problem!" All I could think about when she said that was this story I did a few weeks ago about a grandmother delivering her grandson in a car because she couldn't get her daughter to the hospital in time!!
I'm sure my mom could do it, but there's just something about being in a hospital with the doctor and all.........
Anyway, Courtney's shower was wonderful and I'm glad I made it since I was one of the hostesses! She seemed to enjoy it and Addison got lots of fun gifts.
It was the last trip I'll make to Owensboro before Riess arrives! So we had to get one last "belly" picture with all three of us girls who are expecting...

Me, Courtney and Brooke are all expecting little girls by the end of the year! I'm due in 18 days, believe it or not!! Brooke is due a week after me. Courtney is due Dec.18. I can't wait to get our little girls together for the holidays! How fun!
I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow, so we might hear something exciting then! I'll keep you posted.