We had our first REAL bath this week. I'm sorry to say, it wasn't a pleasant experience for Riess! We had done a few sponge baths before her umbilical cord "stump" fell off, but this was the real thing. I will say she likes to have her hair washed. She was calm for that part, at least. But the whole naked/cold/water thing doesn't fly well with her!
And we had more fun visitors this week! Aunt Mae and Aunt Paddy came to visit us. They have nicknamed Riess "Buttercup" as in Reese's Peanut Buttercups! I love it! As of this week, her pet name will be buttercup. How cute -- I could just eat her up!!
Riess is very good with visitors... she sleeps through the visits, usually. All Mabeth and Paddy wanted was to see her pretty little eyes, but she didn't even give them a peek at those peepers!

They aren't COMPLETELY brown yet, but I think they are well on their way to looking like mom's! They are very dark! They say we won't know the real color until she's about 6 months old.
Yes, she sleeps through most of the day, except to eat. But the night... that's a different story. She has been up throughout the night for the past few nights. I'm talking screaming at the top of her lungs for hours. Usually between the hours of 1am and 8am. Perfect, right?
And I didn't realize how tired I really was until I saw this picture:

Yes - mom, dad and Riess are not sleeping much these days. Last night was a better night, thank goodness. She slept between her feedings until around 5am, at least. It's hard since Chris is now back to work... he isn't here to take over some of those middle-of-the-night crying spells! I'm pulling out all of the tricks tonight, though. I went out today and bought a special sleeping "wedge" that will supposedly help and some baby gas drops (that's her main problem at night - her gassiness hurting her little belly). I'm also feeding her more often at night before she goes to bed and trying to keep her up awhile longer at night. She's slowly getting the hang of it.
The crying is frustrating, especially with no sleep on my end. But the sleepless nights are all well worth it when I see something like this... her precious SMILE!

I know it's likely just gas or a coincidence at this age... but it sure looks like she's smiling right at me!!!! What a cutie!