Monday, November 10, 2008

One week old!

Well, believe it or not... Riess is already a week old.  Almost two weeks old now!  It really feels like she has been here forever!  It's already hard to imagine what life was like before she arrived!
She is a hungry hungry hippo!  She's eating very well and growing like a weed!  

               Check out those feet!!!

It feels like I'm feeding her constantly.  I'm looking forward to the end of this week, when I'll finally be able to pump into a bottle to let Chris share with those feedings!

Right now, Chris has been a big help with changing and getting up with her at night when she doesn't have to eat.  He especially likes taking little cat naps with her on his chest.  He's very good at that!
   She likes it too!!!  

She doesn't discriminate... she loves sleeping on Mamie's chest too!  

What an eventful first week!  She watched the election returns Nov.4th...
     Well, she wasn't that interested...
This weekend, we had our first stroller ride!  Mom, Dad, Riess and Guinness all walked on a beautiful Saturday!
And she cheered on the Cats during the UK football game ... she was decked out in her UK hat!


1 comment:

Courtney said...

How precious. It looks like you all are doing great.