Monday, September 22, 2008


We finally got our power back yesterday afternoon!  It was a LONG seven days going without electricity!  I didn't realize how much sleep I lost until I slept in my comfy room with the air conditioner on and my fan full blast last night.  Ahhh... just wonderful.
The silver lining of it all is that Chris was able to work from Louisville last week because of everything happening.  It was wonderful having him home.  Plus, we spent a LOT of time talking and planning all things baby since we couldn't entertain ourselves with the TV or internet.  We spent some good quality family time, just the four of us (Guinness included).  

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lights Out

Many of you all felt it too... the "Windstorm of 2008." At least, that's what my station has dubbed it. We certainly felt the winds of Hurricane Ike hit here this Sunday. We had 81 mph winds - a category 1 hurricane!
Who would have thought we would leave Charleston and then have a hurricane hit Kentucky?
So, Chris and I are still without power for a 3rd day along with about 150,000 Louisville residents (as of today). The trees knocked down powerlines and electricity to 75% of the city. Our neighborhood still looks like a disaster area.
We (so far) narrowly missed real disaster when the wind split one of the large trees in our backyard in two sending half of it bending over our roof. Luckily another large tree caught it, but now both trees are bending right over our roof. Chris was so worried that they could come crashing through the roof in the middle of the night that we spent the first few nights in our basement on the futon bed. Now, THAT was comfy for my aching pregnant you may imagine!
We are now gambling that the tree is stable and sleeping in our bed upstairs.
Chris is working from the Deloitte office in Louisville this week in order to stay home with me and Guinness. It has been a real treat having him home in the evenings after work... it's like we're a normal family!
We're waiting for the tree people to get around to our house to remove the trees (who knows when!) We're also waiting for power to be restored (also who knows when!) We've been told it could be the middle or end of NEXT WEEK before we have electricity again.
Luckily the weather has been beautiful since the storm, so as long as our doors and windows are open it's fairly nice. I was off work Monday and Tuesday and it truly is amazing how much I can get done around the house with no television, phone or Internet!
I'm back to work today (hence the being back online). I know power is still out in parts of Owensboro as well... my mom included. I hope everyone gets back up and running soon. The novelty of it all wore off after the first night for us...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Barefoot and Pregnant

Well, I finally know where the phrase "barefoot and pregnant" came from.  It doesn't only apply to us Kentuckians, or even those from West Virginia... although I know that's the stereotype.  
I am officially barefoot and pregnant -- and that's the only way I'm comfortable.

My feet have swollen to the size of small melons.  Nothing is comfortable on my feet... even my most comfortable shoes leave marks where any straps touch my skin.  

Yesterday, I walked to grab lunch in (what used to be very comfortable) flats.  They started to hurt about halfway through the walk.  By the time I got back to my desk, I had to kick them off and prop my feet up under my workstation.  Unfortunately, the time came for me to walk to the printer.  I went to slip my feet back in the flats... and whoa! they wouldn't fit.  I debated walking over in my bare feet, but I knew it would be entirely too cliche to do so.  So I squeezed my club feet into my shrinking shoes and waddled over to the printer.  You should have seen me walk to my car.  I can't imagine labor can be much more painful than that (okay, just kidding...)

So, yes, I'm officially barefoot and pregnant.  I am a classic Kentuckian.  And proud of it.  Because here at home, writing on my computer, I can spread my fat toes.  But tomorrow, I'm going to have to buy some bigger shoes.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

"Labor" Day weekend

I’m a little behind writing … but we had a wonderful Labor Day weekend.  First of all, congrats to Ashley (Warren) Howard – she gave birth to a baby boy on “Labor” Day!  How appropriate.  She’s one of many friends who will be having babies this fall and winter.  All playmates for baby Riess!

Friday, we went to dinner with Kristi and her boyfriend, Jake.  He was in Louisville to do the Ironman triathalon!  Talk about a congratulations in order.  He did GREAT!  We loved meeting him at dinner and are very proud that we actually know a tri-athlete.  Go Jake!

Saturday, Ashley and Lacey were in town for the big Tankdog draft party. It's the party Chris and his friends hold every year for their Fantasy Football draft.


Their fantasy league is sort of like a fraternity for these guys who really wish they were still in college...   

  We had a great time.  I even stayed out until 1am!  I was very proud of myself.  Hey, even us mommas know how to party!  

And we did some more "partying" the next day at the UK/UofL game.  

We tailgated at the stadium with all our friends. 

  Mr. and Mrs. Bruce threw a great tailgate for everyone!   

It was HOT HOT HOT, though, so we opted to actually watch the game at a friend's house rather than sit in the heat in the stadium.  

It was a good call for me and Baby Riess.