Sunday, September 7, 2008

"Labor" Day weekend

I’m a little behind writing … but we had a wonderful Labor Day weekend.  First of all, congrats to Ashley (Warren) Howard – she gave birth to a baby boy on “Labor” Day!  How appropriate.  She’s one of many friends who will be having babies this fall and winter.  All playmates for baby Riess!

Friday, we went to dinner with Kristi and her boyfriend, Jake.  He was in Louisville to do the Ironman triathalon!  Talk about a congratulations in order.  He did GREAT!  We loved meeting him at dinner and are very proud that we actually know a tri-athlete.  Go Jake!

Saturday, Ashley and Lacey were in town for the big Tankdog draft party. It's the party Chris and his friends hold every year for their Fantasy Football draft.


Their fantasy league is sort of like a fraternity for these guys who really wish they were still in college...   

  We had a great time.  I even stayed out until 1am!  I was very proud of myself.  Hey, even us mommas know how to party!  

And we did some more "partying" the next day at the UK/UofL game.  

We tailgated at the stadium with all our friends. 

  Mr. and Mrs. Bruce threw a great tailgate for everyone!   

It was HOT HOT HOT, though, so we opted to actually watch the game at a friend's house rather than sit in the heat in the stadium.  

It was a good call for me and Baby Riess.


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