Wednesday, April 22, 2009


 I don't know what happened, but now I can upload videos!!!!

I'm going to try this once again!  I really like the idea of having a place -- besides a silly social network site! -- to chronicle our life with Riess!

She is now six months old, believe it or not!  WOW it has been a while!

She is eating a bit of rice cereal now.  She is having a little trouble getting the concept down of eating from a spoon.  But look at little miss smarty pants!  She's figured out that if she sucks her thumb after she takes a bite, she can get it down just like sucking on a bottle!  GENIUS!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Okay, I realize it has been a full month, almost two, since I posted!  I am soo very sorry.  But here's the deal... this site isn't allowing me to upload my videos.  And for those of you on facebook, you know I've had some pretty dang good videos to share lately.
SOO, I'm going to keep trying, but I think my blog my soon transfer to just sharing photos on facebook.  I may try to subscribe to another blog... but I'm still investigating.
So - for the (many) of you I've heard from who want to see more of Riess on the blog, join facebook!!  I'll keep you posted, though.
Hopefully we can get the blog moving again.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Hi all,
I apologize for the tardiness in my posts. It has been a crazy few weeks! I went back to work on the day after Christmas and since then, our lives have been quite a rollercoaster! Well, I guess we've been on a bit of a rollercoaster since Oct.29th!
Work is going well. It has been nice to get back in the groove of things. Luckily, Riess has a WONDERFUL babysitter to keep her while I'm gone. Jordan Royse has made my life so much easier! She is sitting with Riess Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays while I'm at work. My schedule is now all mornings -- that means I'm up at 2am and work until 1pm Saturday-Wednesday. My days off changed to Thursdays and Fridays, which is nice since Chris is usually home on Fridays.
I think I'll like the new schedule especially because it means I will have the afternoons at home with Riess! Especially this summer when we can go to the park or the pool (anyone know a family who can sponsor us at Lakeside??!!)
Of course that 2am wake up call means I'll probably never have a good night's sleep again...
Riess is quite the night owl. She likes to (finally!) drift off around midnight. That makes for some dark circles under my eyes! Hopefully soon she will adjust her schedule. She is sleeping for a good stretch when she goes down, so we're almost there!
More pictures to come... I promise!!